Monday, November 21, 2011

Black Tea Production Methods

There are three different manufacturing methods of black tea, all of which have diverged gradually.

The orthodox method


The first method is the orthodox production method, which was introduced by the British and is now used worldwide. They pass through 14 steps from plucking to packaging and it is mostly by hand.

The CTC method


image of tea cups.
This production method is named after the actual process, the crushing, ripping (tearing) and rolling (curling) being purely mechanical. This production method consists of seven steps.

The LTP Method


This name is derived from the Lawrie tea processor. This method is purely mechanical. The LTP was invented by Lawrie, who designed it to produce fine tea to be served in tea cups in the fastest way possible. This method consists of ten steps. This method is used for the production of the finest types of tea like "Fanning and Dust".

The orthodox production of black tea


The orthodox tea production was introduced worldwide by the British who took over the traditional tea production methods. Some of the manual production processes have been mechanized. This method is the only one used for the production of the so-called leaf teas and thus the highest quality teas. The content of the popular tea bag put in glass teapots is made in other ways. Four kilos of plucked tea leaves are necessary for the production of a kilo of black tea using the orthodox method.

The plucking


The three youngest tea leaves are hand-picked. This means that about 100 g of tea leaves are picked. After being plucked, the leaves are weighed for further processing in the factory, where they are dried immediately.

The wilts


The tea leaves are spread on so-called wilts (long lattice or linen towels on bamboo racks) and ventilated with fans for several hours. This can take anywhere from eight to twelve hours. It can even take 30 hours, depending on whether there are fans or not. The leaves lose up to 37 percent of their water content and up to 30 percent of their weight during this process. This makes them softer and suppler for the next manufacturing stage.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Natural Remedies Used in Cats



Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes that energy flow throughout the body through channels called meridians. A variety of ailments can occur if this energy flow is disturbed, e.g. by blockages in the body.
The blockages are removed with the help of acupuncture needles, which are inserted in certain points of the body so that energy can flow again undisturbed and self-healing powers are stimulated. Acupuncture is often used for muscle pain, joint problems (arthritis) or skin problems, but it can also help with asthma. Acupuncture points are associated with specific organs. Acupuncture can cure organic diseases such as kidney problems, liver disease or digestive disorders.

Acupuncture is now possible without needles being used. In laser or electro-acupuncture, the points important for the flow of energy are irritated by laser or weak current pulses.

Important: Consult a veterinarian who is specially trained in acupuncture. Only he knows exactly where these points are, how deep the needles should be inserted or how the laser needs to be applied.


image of online marketing.
Acupressure is often referred to as the gentle sister of acupuncture because it is based on the same principle. Here too, specific points are stimulated along the meridians in order to allow a free flow of energy and stimulate the activity of the organs. However, the energy points are not treated with needles, but only with the hands. You can simply exert pressure with the thumb or middle finger or you can gently fold the skin between the thumb and forefinger and gently press. Acupressure should only be carried out very gently because cats are relatively sensitive to pressure. It can be used as a sole form of treatment or in addition to veterinary medicine.
You can perform acupressure independently at home after receiving detailed guidance from the veterinarian. Let him explain exactly where and how hard you should press, according to the symptoms the cat presents.

Acupressure points are also called diagnostic points in screening. The cat reacting with pain can be evidence of disease. The diagnostic points are along the spine on the right and left, the side and the belly. A vet versed in acupuncture can tell you the exact location of the points.



Cats have an extremely well-developed sense of smell. They perceive their environment based on scents to a large extent. Therefore, aromatherapy is ideally suited for cats. They can be relieved from various ailments and diseases, such as panic attacks, circulatory problems or colds using scents.

Just pour a few drops of aroma oil - not too much, otherwise the scent will be too strong for the sensitive nose of the cat - in a water-filled bowl and let the liquid. The odor molecules are absorbed through the nose, mouth and lungs and travel throughout the body through the bloodstream. There they unfold their beneficial effects. However, you should only use scents that your cat finds appealing.

-       Make sure the cat cannot knock the bowl over.

-       Remove all remnants of essential oil from the bowl and rinse it thoroughly. Otherwise, the cat could lick it and the aromatic oils are highly toxic to cats in high doses. Therefore, the cat must not swallow the oils or rub against them. The sensitive skin of cats absorbs substances quite well. Moreover, the oils can enter the body through licking of the skin.

-       Buy only high-quality oils. But beware that the most expensive oils are not necessarily the best. Seek advice from your veterinarian, medical practitioner or pharmacist.

Aromatherapy is a good supplement to other treatments, except for homeopathy, as the aromatic substances cancel the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines.
Which is the right scent for your feline friend?
  • Anise soothes cat flu and colds and provides relaxation.
  • Basil takes the fear of being alone, soothes, gives new momentum and stimulates the appetite.
  • Dill relaxes and stimulates the appetite.
  • Chamomile is used universally and has a calming, relaxing and uplifting effect and it is slightly inflammatory.
  • Cardamom reduces stress and provides more harmony.
  • Coriander gives strength and helps to eliminate unfounded fears.
  • Balm soothes, strengthens the circulation and relieves anxiety and tension. It also helps in heart problems.
  • Mimosa provides relaxation and increases the self-confidence.
  • Clary sage helps with colds and cat flu, has a strengthening effect and invigorates the blood circulation.
  • Carnation kills vermin (fleas, lice), relieves toothaches and keeps cats away from furniture, wallpapers, etc…
  • Neroli provides relaxation and greater harmony.
  • Orange stimulates the appetite and refreshes and eliminates the fear of solitude.
  • Sage has healing and anti-inflammatory effect on all mucous membranes and soothes.
  • Sandalwood relieves anxiety and panic attacks and provides more confidence.
  • Vanilla relaxes, soothes and calms aggression.
Juniper has an antispasmodic effect, stabilizes the circulation and cures bladder and kidney ailments.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Koscot test

Since it a strict demarcation between illegal pyramid schemes and legitimate forms of distribution of multi-level marketing, or network marketing needs, they prefer to approach their distinctions like the so-called Koscot test. This test was first used by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s and was intended for use for which the participants will receive a financial payment in return. This includes the Koscot test two conditions, and only if both conditions are met, is it a legitimate form of distribution and not an unlawful pyramid scheme.

These conditions are defined as follows: The participants in the system receive as consideration of his payment to the company the right to sell their products. He receives in return for its payment, the law on the recruitment of new participants in the system. These services are not related to the direct sale of products to consumers.
image of test.
The exclusive meeting the second condition of Koscot test is regarded as evidence of a pyramid scheme, because it points to the fraudulent attempt to recruit people who have to make the payments to be able to fully expect without consideration, although beginners might be the beginning of the pyramid scheme in enjoy coming to get one, or other payment. "How obvious is the presence of this second part, recruitment for rewards with no connection to product sales, nothing more than an elaborate chain letter system in which for individuals who pay an expensive consideration in the expectation that they will recover the investment made in recruiting , the disappointment is predetermined.

We turn here to the Koscot test and note that the operation of a pyramid scheme is fraudulent and collided with several laws. "(United States v. Armantrout, 411 F.2d 60, 61-62), so is the statement of the United States, a legal process which has been waged against an illegal system. The term dealer kit comes from the multi-level marketing in which a company recruits independent sales partners for itself, selling its products to the consumer.

Another object of this distributor and an important part of the distribution policy is that these self-employed partners attract both new distribution partners, which in turn have the same tasks -- first, build the distribution system so it can grow, and , of course, sell products to consumers. Because, of course, it will be the appearance of the business that professionally and consistently, takes care of the company for advertising materials, product samples, lists, contracts and so on, which will support the successful work of the partners.
These materials are then taken in a kit, that is packaged together and then offered to the newly entered distributors to allow them a promising start in their sales activities. For buying this also Business Kit, Success Kit, Welcome Kit, Starter Kit, or similar to the above material, are usually charged fees of between 35 - and 100 - €. These fees can also be understood as an entry payments, purchase by the new distribution partners' right to establish, with the name of their company's professional existence.

Normally, these kits contain, depending on the industry and products, product literature, manuals, promotional gifts, sales aids, such as photos, product samples, videos and audio tapes, of course, price lists, order forms, candidate statements for newly hired sales people and so on.

Visit for additional tips on marketing.Today, as it is more common to build a successful sales organization with an Internet presence, there may therefore be digital advertising tools such as banners and pop-ups, link lists and so on included in the kit.

With the acquisition of the dealership kits the new sales people thus have the possibility of selling from his home and their marketing will increase strongly. The multilevel marketing industry is currently operating in an atmosphere of extreme regulatory scrutiny. The Omnitrition decision makes doing business even more challenging. However, by paying attention to the lessons contained in the decision, companies can chart a course that will allow them to operate legitimately and profitably.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cosmetic Laser Therapy


Laser beams are high-energy beams that can influence the selective destruction of tissues, red blood pigment, pigment particles, hair roots and many others. Due to the nature of lasers, light can transport large amounts of energy. Numerous lasers systems have been developed that can meet each radiated light spectrum for different tasks.

Hair removal

Strong body hair can have different causes and is often perceived as being disturbing. The mechanical removal with a razor or wax fixes the problem only temporarily. After all, the roots (follicles) of our hair are deep in the skin. The amount of growing hair is very different depending on the body type. In order to eliminate all the targeted hair follicles, a laser treatment may be necessary.

In laser hair removal, a thorough check-up  according to your skin type must be done first. Your particular sensitivities, your health condition or the interaction with any drugs are also vital. Before hair removal, strong sun exposure, visits to studios and sun tanning creams should be avoided.

In women, permanent hair removal for legs, underarms, the face and bikini area may be necessary. In men, there is a possibility for excessive hair growth in the armpits, back and neck.

image of laser surgery.
Video play back hair removal

Tattoo removal

Tattoos are a popular body decoration for centuries.

Today, almost every tattoo can be removed with lasers. The high-energy laser light cuts the color pigments in the skin. The resulting particles are now so small that they can be transported by the lymphatic system. For different colors of a tattoo, laser light with different wavelengths is required. The treatment is quick, effective, and usually leaves no scars.

Treatment of vessels

Unsightly veins on the face and the legs affect your self-confidence. Vascular-related disorders of the skin, pigment spots and rosacea (flushing) can be annoying too. Previously, these skin problems were treated with conventional methods, such as spraying. This route is painful and costly. We therefore use the laser therapy today.

Cosmetic laser surgery treatment of vascular lesions produce a light which blood hemoglobin and the melanin pigment absorbs well. This makes it possible to remove vascular and pigmented lesions in an efficient and safe way. The effects of the laser treatment can be seen immediately after the application and this makes it more convincing compared to other treatments.

Even with cosmetically disturbing changes in the leg veins, we use the laser. The removal of small spider veins using a laser is currently the most effective cosmetic facial surgery treatment method. The vessels shrink and gradually disappear.

Video treatment of vascular lesions


Benefits of laser treatment
  • Gentle
  • Low pain
  • Precise
  • Quick
  • Successful

The cosmetic laser treatment is not covered under the business activities of the statutory health insurance funds. We suggest that you request services through the fee doctors.