"Even after ten training sessions on vibrating plates, it can be used to measure an increased muscle strength. In addition, it increases bone density and metabolism can be improved", says personal trainer Bjorn Schinke. Twice training for about 20 minutes per week should suffice. And there is even a scientific evidence. When compared a to a meta-analysis of Novotec Medical GmbH, in which various studies were made between 1993 and 2005, the improved performance at frequencies is above 20 Hz and an amplitude of 2.5 mm at the most is effective.
Increase strength and reflexes
"But with no sweat, the vibration training can become unsuccessful. Someone who is using the plate on the first time is usually impressed by the intensity of exercise, " says Schinke. The rapid vertical movement of the vibration plates for weightloss keeps the body deliberately out of balance. A stretch reflex in the muscles (see below) is triggered, leading to a contraction of the stretched muscles," says the graduate sports scientist.
The principle is the patellar reflex. The physician suggests using a small hammer on the tendon below the kneecap. Stretch receptors register the sudden change in length of the string and send an impulse to the quadriceps. The lower leg is soaring because the thigh muscles tense reflexively. So one must imagine that vibration training also has a vibration intensity of 30 hertz for about 1500-times. This can happen in minutes. So the muscle contracts more often than you could ever consciously harness.
Vibration training is aimed at all muscle
Vibration training means that more muscle fibers are activated simultaneously as the classic strength training with weights. This improves both the intra-and inter-muscular coordination, resulting in a higher maximum force. Another advantage of the "tamper" is that almost one hundred percent of the muscle groups are stimulated. In particular, the deep muscles will be strengthened less. This ensures greater stability in the hull. However, the muscle stops by vibration when training is limited. If your want to have big arms, then you will not pass on the bending iron. But as a complement to weight training, it is recommended in any case. Especially because you increased maximum force, the bench press brings back much further forward. Because ultimately, it brings more weight and more mass.
Background muscle stretch reflex
Within the muscles, there are so-called stretch receptors that are important for the sense of movement and control of the motor. These spindle-shaped connective tissue register when a muscle is stretched and trigger a reflex arc. That is, faster than we can voluntarily flex our muscles. A nerve impulse is sent through the spinal cord back to the stretched muscle. The muscle fibers contract reflexively. The muscle stretch reflex protects our muscles before stretching and keeps us in balance. Without such reflection, we could barely walk upright, or hold the balance on uneven ground.